The Customer Portal team
New Feature

Gain new insights into device performance and management

AUTHOR: The Customer Portal team

Gain new insights into performance and management of your devices with a number of new widgets through which to see your data. Three new widgets have been released, with additional widgets to come.

  • Device Incident Rate: See the percentage of devices experiencing incidents as well as the devices that are operating as they should (“incident free”). The widget can be configured to include specific incident severity to tailor the information that is most important to you. The count of devices works across different device models and corresponds to the selected space.

  • Space Incident Rate: Similar to the Device Incident Rate widget, this new widget enables you to see the incident rates for an entire space. For example, if you have set up your AV rooms as individual spaces, you’ll be able to determine if the room is operational or unavailable due to technical issues.

  • Model Breakdown: Gain a high level view of the distribution of your device models. Select to view all devices or online devices only.

To include any of these new widgets in your Organization Overview, click “Edit Dashboard” → “Add Widget,” select the widgets you’d like to include, and press “Save.”

Please contact with any questions.

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